This is not a UI Project, but a user focused solution. This is a project where I innovate something by following the user and identifying what is needed by following the process - Research, Ideation, Prototyping and Testing (nothing done linearly) in this project. The research into my context called for a project that's not digital - but something tangible. I also taught myself how to make it, moving out of my comfort zone, as the needs called for it.
Decision Making
Critical Thinking
Research and Synethesis
Moving out of comfort zone
Constant Playtesting
Learn what it is like to run a kingdom
By taking on the roles of Kings, this makes students understand the complexities of running a kingdom and the importance of conducting admin measures as well as building infrastructure like temples
12 Weeks
Research , Game Design
My Drive
My Solution
"Amazing Game. Please come back after your exams and let us see how can we make this available in our schools"
Integrated Curriculum
“In an age where knowledge is easily accessible, the ability to synthesize information from various disciplines and apply it to solve real-world problems has become paramount”
What is it?
In integrated curriculum, 2 or more subjects are blended together to solve real world challenges. This boosts engagement and helps them retain information for longer. This is best done for STEM Subjects - primarily science and maths.
Usually done through project based learning and class activities - where students work on real projects and in the process, engage in applying concepts from various different subjects. For Eg: Recreating windmills, creating AR glasses requires knowledge from different disciplines
Video Game Learning
“Play is the best way to learn. That's why 10 yr olds memorise 118 pokemon abilities and retain it for a lifetime but can't do the same from a textbook”
There is so much you can learn from Minecraft about Geography just through curiosity and the reason for applying that knowledge to achieve something.
A world where you can visualise, explore and build things is a great way to learn as it could be used for Algebra, Biology, History as well for immersive visualisations.
Triseum has also been effective at increasing student interests and grades by making students overcome obstacles in a 3D world with concepts learnt in class about Calculus.
BrainQuake has abstracted algebra equations into puzzles such as gears and keys, which helps students understand maths in a tangible manner first.
Integrated Learning through Games
A digital game where one could solve real world problems while being engaged in city building game such as SimCity could be an approach.
One could solve multi-disciplinary challenges in a city and make decisions based on what they have learnt in Science and Geography. This could serve as a great way of revision while also putting their knowledge to use - seeing the importance of studying a subject.
On the Field
Research Technique for Students
How did I meet them?
What activity did I do?
How was it?
As I questioned these groups of students, some agreed and some disagreed whenever someone answered, making it a very fun experience. This gave me varied insights and different perspectives, and allowed me to question "Why so?" whenever I found something opposite or interesting.
Earlier, it was hard to speak to students out of the blue, but I learnt that Introduction of yourself plays a huge role.
There could have been a better way to do this, such as chart paper and asking them to bucket the information themselves,
Subjects to Integrate
On asking them to name subjects that could be categorised as Boring, Interesting, Tough and Irrelevant, I got these answers. Some are collective answers, some are individual.
Clearly, 3 subjects are in every negative association.

On asking them to rank subjects from most to least interesting, got this spectrum with them.
Positive Outlook:
The students already had a positive outlook on Science and Physics. It was the most fun subject as it was extremely practical. However, biology was considered extremely boring.
Negative Outlook:
Students mostly found history, civics and maths to be the most boring, tough and did not find real life application of anything, Some also mentioned language subjects. Some students did find it interesting as a story as well.
“ All subjects in 7th and 8th are easy, but history is quite vast and elaborated, and has a lot of rote learning. It just gets worse when Civics is introduced.”
It would be better to integrate History or Civics with Maths as this is where students lack interest and find it difficult, rather than doing science as students already have a positive outlook to the subject.
When showing a rough prototype of my game to the school principal
“Can design this game according to our textbook and get it to our school? It would be great to see students immerse in history”
Textbook Studying
Reflection and Learnings
What is the deep learning outcome?
Importance of Studying History
Relevance to Present World
Multidisciplinary Nature of Life
Learning To Make a Game
Tableau Building
This could represent building a kingdom of admin functions and architecture.
Area Influence
Might move away from the goal of administration and cause and effect
Action Cards
Could be a great way to incorporate actions and strategies of government
Multiple Actions
Giving players a choice of multiple actions they could take is what inculcates strategy and thinking
Dungeons and Dragons
Could be helpful, but can consume too much time. Could need training of teachers to be DM and 40 people would not be feasible
Resource Management
Could be a great way to inculcate mathematics in history.
Special Abilities for Kingdoms
Equal information about all kingdom is not available in textbooks.
Collaborative play against the game
This leads to low drive to win the game as competitiveness is removed.
Fractions and Decimals
To integrate maths, I made fractions and decimals on action cards. Not appreciated.
Maths in Action Cards
This becomes too overwhelming and long, and makes it more of maths than history.
Best way to integrate math, as well as show consequences of their actions
Need Penalties not just rewards
Apart from rewarding for soldiers, gold coins and
Other ways to increase loyalty that don't require money
Attack feature to make it more fun. Alliances would be more fun.
Permanent Actions
Collecting tax and recruiting soldiers need to be available to perform always, else there will be no money in just few turns.
Victory Points
Having Victory Points as a way to win the game could bring in incentive. Could be tied to population and rent.
Event Cards too penalising
Introducing event cards later in the game could be more fun and less penalising.
Arrange Cards
Might get too many cards which have prior requirement, hence give prerequisites earlier.
Fixing the Tax
Simulation on Figjam playing as mutliple players
3rd Iteration of Cards
Simulation on Figjam playing as mutliple players
Final Iteration