Peer Feedback in Assessment Portal


Team Leader


As a group, we were asked to research and design an experience that will help the faculty at SMI to teach and manage their classes and work more efficiently.

Why? A tl/dr:

After detailed interviews of problems, the most challenging and unique interface would be the assessment portal. Incorporating Peer Feedback reduces load and bias from the faculty and has proved more fruitful to students to improve their projects in some instances.

Design Process: Click to Jump

Resource Sharing




Planning Tools




between faculties

High Feasibility

Which Problem to take forward?

Low Feasibility

Low Priority

Engagement and


High Priority

There was an array of challenges that required resolution, but our focus had to be on those that would yield greater value within our time constraints.

Resource sharing, planning tools, and communication problems could be solved through existing tools for these tasks like Notion, Slack, and GDrive.

The Assessment Portal, on the other hand, was both a complex issue and an area with no existing tool solutions.

Why Assessment?

Start by Introducing ourselves, building rapport.
Inform them about the topic.

Experience of teaching at Srishti
How long have you been a faculty at Srishti?
Could you talk me through your experience of teaching at Srishti?
What are the different departments you teach?

Planning out Studios
How do you generally plan out your studios?

What do you seek to accomplish by the end of the studio? If it is not accomplished, what are some of the reasons?
How long in advance do you get to plan out your course outline? How long does it generally take to plan it?

Usage of Tools and Trends
What are some of the tools (frameworks, online, offline) you prefer to use to facilitate the class? What about managing assignments/work?
Communications: With current students (could be different departments), Interfaces they use (Blackboard, Slack, WhatsApp)
Do you tend to incorporate the up and coming trends into your teachings and assignments? If so, what are some of the ways in which you do it? Do you believe it enhances the learning experience?
What has been your experience in working with AI so far? How do you feel about the use of it while teaching, facilitating classes and managing your work?

Pain Points

What are some of the difficulties you face while taking a studio? 

- Handing students(attendance, communication & interest)

- Managing assignments 

- Sharing Resources

- Grading/Assessment

Are there ways in which you feel these difficulties can be improved upon?

How is your experience of communication with students? And how do you communicate ?

-Interfaces you use?

-Last time you faced a problem with an interface?


Are there some other ways you feel would improve and enhance the experience of managing a class? Is there anything else you would like to talk about regarding this topic? 

Thank you for your time and patience! 

  • Planning Studios requires a simple note taking tools akin to Notion, Pen & Paper, Notes.

  • Knowing the answer to "Why are students learning THIS" preserves student engagement.

  • Targeting both learners eager to exceed the syllabus and those who take a slower pace facilitates improved management.


  • Assessment Portal's Criteria is complex to understand and setup. It is rigid.

  • Feedback Sessions with Peers is more fruitful in class, where you pitch your idea. Helps eliminate any bias from faculty.

  • Assessment Methods to Learn New Skills and core Understandings based on initial knowledge.

Grading & Assessment

  • AI is only useful to brainstorm course outline

  • Collaboration between Faculties is highly fruitful in conducting studios.

  • Fewer pupils enhance control due to increased adaptability and individual interactions


  • No Centralized Repository for Resources

  • Communication Channels are broken, emails are too formal, Whatsapp groups become compulsory to make.

  • Not easy to find mentors and faculties.


All 4 members interviewed a faculty each. I interviewed a faculty for 30 mins, gaining useful insights which helped take the project forward in this direction.

Coding the Data and Arriving at Insights.

We clearly lay down what we aim to extract from our research so we don't deviate from our interviews. We put down a typical journey of conducting a studio - from planning to grading. We then detailed where we might find digital interventions.


Research Goals:


Journey and objective of studios, timeline to plan, tools.


Digital Tools and AI used to facilitate the class. Eg: Figjam, Miro


Retaining Interest, Communication interfaces,

sharing resources. Eg: Email, Blackboard, Whatsapp

Assignments and Grading:

Blackboard for Submissions, Assessment Portal, Ease of Use,


  • Understand the participant and who they are.

  • How long they have been teaching for and their past teaching

    experience in Srishti or outside:


  • To design/redesign a system to improve the teaching and learning

    experience of the faculty as well as students in a studio

Jobs To Be Done By Faculty:

Rather than going for Personas, we went ahead with Job to Be Done Framework.

How Might We

HMW make it easier to grade students in a complex grading system?

How might we enable students to give and use peer and faculty feedback more effectively?

  • Grade and Assess easily

  • Facilitate and Organise Peer Feedback

  • Increase Standard of Output of Class


Make Feedback Anonymous

AI to select from

complex categories

Feedback every milestone

Using AI to Summarise

Peer Feedback

Use a Constructive

Feedback Framework


Crazy 8 Method to ideate on problems.

30% Weightage for

Peer Grades

Incorporate Feedback

in Grades

My Ideas

Rahul's Ideas

Rayna's Ideas

Varad's Ideas

Task Flow

Faculty's Task: View Peer Grades and Grade with selected categories.

Student's Task: Grade Peers Anonymously with ease.

Lo-Fi Wireframes

Faculty Flow

This Lo-Fid Design was done by me and Rahul

Student Flow

My Role was to polish and make rough alignments, adjust text and element sizes


Student Workflow in a redesigned Blackboard Learn

Faculty Workflow in a redesigned Blackboard Learn